

To promote new comprehensive

Today’s society demands solutions which offer a better quality of life and a real commitment to the environment and people.

|Campos  Objetives  Our objective

Having an unwavering purpose

It is well known at Campos that what really matters are actions. That is why our compass when making any decision is always our objective: a firm idea which prompts us to continue improving our relationships, offering solutions based on sustainable resource management and improving the present and future lives of thousands of people.

“We are facing an exciting future, where we want to grow, surpass ourselves and to remain standing by our clients. All of this, thanks to a team of people who give their all every day, and  who are very committed to the values and objectives of Campos.” Alfonso Granados – Director de Campos.

Creating infrastructures which connect development and sustainability in order

be the driving force behind the new comprehensive solutions demanded by society.


Positive Impact


At Campos we are always seeking to act coherently so as to obtain a greater good, both for the environment as well as for our employees, suppliers, clients and society in general. We are up to the minute with the needs and seek to ensure that our work provides a holistic view that contributes to solving the major global challenges.



We actively listen to all our stakeholders in order to provide a real response, according to their needs in terms of quality and time. At Campos we don’t talk the talk, we walk the walk.



Better connectivity for millions of people, improved procedures for the development of projects in record time, economic savings through the implementation of energy solutions etc. Applying boldness and dexterity to offer innovative solutions. Our proactive attitude always leads us to go beyond our own boundaries.









years of experience

Offering solutions for today’s and tomorrow’s society

Empresa Telecomunicaciones


Creating a more connected, more cohesive society

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Empresa servicios de construcción


Building tomorrow’s world today

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Empresa de Climatización

Climate control

Designing environments which provide well-being and efficiency

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Empresa de Energía


Promoting energy wherever we are

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Our solutions

Acting responsibly

At Campos we have an integrated Corporate Social Responsibility Plan which covers all departments and assists in enabling our objective.

Working practices and human rights

We train, educate and provide material to all our employees to ensure their health and safety. Likewise continuously reviewing and improving their employment conditions and apply a policy of zero discrimination and harassment.


At Campos we develop all our projects in line with Environmental Policy, which includes objectives such as the reduction of energy consumption and GHG emissions. Likewise carrying out responsible waste management and sustainable consumption.


There is no room for misconduct such as corruption and bribery or anti-competitive conduct in any of our operations. Furthermore, our communication actions always seek non-invasiveness and truthfulness, and develop responsible marketing.

Sustainable purchasing

We review and assess our suppliers and purchasing materials to ensure that our supply chain is consistent with our Corporate Social Responsibility Plan.


Committed to Sustainable Development

We are part of the United Nations Global Compact to contribute
to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the 2030 Agenda.

See Sustainability

Work for a company in constant growth

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