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We are a local company with international presence which operates in four main business areas:

telecommunications, construction, climate control and energy.

In our more than 30 years of experience we have evolved to offer solutions which provide the best results to our clients and meet future challenges. An evolution which has led us to become today a national reference benchmark company that holds fast to its three cornerstones: positive impact, trust and innovation.

Last year’s projects

Developed nationally and internationally *

At Campos faced with the questions of the future
there is only one answers. Let’s do it.







employees in Spain


years of experience

Offering solutions for today’s and tomorrow’s society


Global access to the latest in communications, construction of spaces with quality materials and strategically designed according to their functionality, a clean atmosphere where comfort and health go hand in hand or proposals to address climate change by promoting renewable energy.


At Campos we propose comprehensive solutions with a good local impact which contemplate the planet and people.

Empresa Telecomunicaciones


Creating a more connected, more cohesive society

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Empresa servicios de construcción


Building tomorrow’s world today

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Empresa de Climatización

Climate control

Designing environments which provide well-being and efficiency

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Empresa de Energía


Promoting energy wherever we are

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Our solutions

At Campos creating infrastructures which connect development and sustainability to be

the driving force behind new comprehensive solutions demanded by society.


Latest projects


Our Clients

Construcción supermercado Eroski

Fostering Sustainable Development

With our work we want to contribute to ensuring equal opportunities for all people, without harming the planet.

PoThat is why we always seek to contribute to the triple bottom line (economic – social – environmental) in our relationships with suppliers, clients and employees, as well as in the implementation of our solutions.

See Sustainability

Last News

Patrocinadores del ‘Riñón Fest’, un Festival Benéfico que celebra la vida y fomenta la solidaridad

El pasado fin de semana se celebró en El Bonillo el ‘Riñón Fest’, un evento que hemos apoyado como patrocinadores […]

Construcción de oficinas
Construcción de oficinas: ¿cómo conseguir un perfecto espacio de trabajo?

Sin duda, partir de un diseño profesional para lograr un espacio de trabajo perfecto es muy importante, sin embargo, la […]

Cómo lograr una eficiente climatización industrial: 5 claves básicas

En el contexto actual, la protección del medio ambiente y la optimización de los costes operativos han llevado a que […]